Global Topics Discussion - Level 3 - Section 3
Study Resources
Topic 21: Brain Overload
This video shows ways to fight brain overload caused by decision fatigue.
Topic 22: Secrets to Longevity
This video has an interview with a bee sting therapist and some of his patients.
Topic 23: Part-Time Tips
This is a travel advice video, which explains the tipping culture of the USA.
Topic 24: Lost at Sea
This video shows an interview with Jose Salvador Alvarenga.
Topic 25: Milestones of Life
This is a TED Talk about the changing concept of a midlife crisis.
Topic 26: Censoring Media
This is a news broadcast that outlines some of the online media that is censored in China.
Topic 27: Stress Relief
This is a comedy video featuring Conan O'Brien as he tests a variety of stress relief apps.
Topic 28: Robot Phobia
This video shows a new robot soldier.
Topic 29: The Water Crisis
This is an introductory video for the non-profit organization Charity Water.
Topic 30: Plastic Tends
This is a news video that discusses how social media might be causing an increased demand for plastic surgery.