Global Topics Discussion - Level 5 - Session 3
Study Resources
Topic 21: A Better Life
This is an advertisement for MTV's 1994 edition of "The Real World", a reality TV show mentioned in the book. Watch this to get an understanding of this type of entertainment and whether you find it appealing.
Topic 22: Corporate Social Responsibility
The first video here is the TED Talk by Michael Porter, which is referred to at the beginning of the article. Watch this to get a deeper understanding of Michael Porter's philosophy for the in-class discussion.
Topic 23: Living Healthy
This is a D-News video, which gives additional information about "caffeine intoxication" and its effects. Preview the video and consider the discussion questions.
Topic 24: Cloning Mammoths
This is another D-News video which gives additional information and details about the pursuit in the scientific community of cloning mammoths. Preview the video to get a deeper understanding of the topic.
Topic 25: Climate Change
This is an informative video from National Geographic about the causes and effects of climate change. Watch this video to get ideas for discussion in class.
Topic 26: Military Conscription
This is a short clip from the news broadcast that highlights recent changes in the number of years citizens should serve in the N. Korean military. Watch this video to get a deeper understanding of the discussion topic.
Topic 27: Heroes and Damsels
The video summarizes and gives illustrated examples of the Hero's Journey. Students will share and discuss their own examples in class.
Topic 28: Sharing Economy Businesses
This is a video that gives an introduction to the term "sharing economy" with examples. Watch this video to get a deeper understanding of the discussion topic.
Topic 29: A Better Life
This video gives an introduction to how the Better Life Index is used to rate quality of life in countries around the world. Watch this video to get a deeper understanding of the topics discussed in class.
Topic 30: Science of Sleep
This is the NPR interview referred to in the article for this Topic. Listening to this broadcast will help students get additional information and details that can be useful for discussion.