One World M&C Videos
1. Going to College
accepted_script.pdf |
2. Surveillance In China
government_surveillance_in_china.pdf |
3. Game Addiction
game_addiction.pdf |
4. Olympic Games
olympics_script.pdf |
5. Fashion Crimes
script_-_how_i_met_you_mother.pdf |
6. TED : Jamie Oliver – The Food Crisis
(0:00 – 4:36)
ted_talk_script_oliver.pdf |
7. Urban Escape
nyc_urban_escape.pdf |
8. Happiness Blanket, Doritos & Meet the Parents
script_-_air_travel.pdf |
9. Big 5 Personality Types
big_5_personality_types.pdf |
10: Leaving Microsoft to Save the World
script_leaving_microsoft.pdf |