Presentational Speaking - Level 6Meeting: 10 classes per month
Times offered: Morning : 06:50 - 09:30 (50 minutes lesson) Lunch : 12:00 - 14:00 (50 minutes lesson) Evening : 17:30 - 20:20 (50 minutes lesson) *Class days and times can be flexible according to the preferences of students Click Here to request Overview Presentational Speaking is a high level speaking class for advanced students who have a solid background in English and wish to expand their presentational speaking skills through intensive practice with guidance. Students who wish to take this course should have a very strong base in English language and a willingness to speak in front of an audience. Student enrollment numbers are kept low for this class to keep a high intensity and amount that each student will speak. Each class will focus on a different presentational speaking skill and students will develop and practice delivering speeches in every meeting, followed by feedback and discussion. Students for this course are encouraged to submit a speech for a Community Lunch Talk hosted by One World. Monthly Course Fees : 1 month (10 classes per month) : 130,000 won Books: Each class, students are provided with the One World Presentational Speaking handouts, included in the tuition fee. |
Brian Devine
MA in Education from Seattle University Washington State Certified Teacher 9 years of experience teaching English ([email protected]) |